This Masters has been praised for its rigourous combination of practice and theory by external examiner Bernadette Buckley (Goldsmiths College, University of London).
Targeted visits to arts organisations give students direct experience of the contemporary practices of curators, registrars, conservators, installation technicians, educators and others working in the arts. Staff research interests have outcomes in publishing and exhibition at world-leading level. The genealogies and visions of ways of curating are examined critically in terms of their suitability for different artforms and different cultural contexts.
A unique strength of the course is a grounded understanding of the economics and politics of regional contexts, combined with the international practices of staff, and a stage of the course taught in London. This gives students a strong network for their futures, wherever they might practice. The course is also unique in its critical approach to notions of audience as participants, and consideration of contemporary forms of collaborative, distributed or discourse-based curating. A solid undertanding of new media both as art and as a tool for distribution, education, and marketing, is integrated into the curation of art and culture in the widest sense.
Stage 1 Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) 60 credits - two modules:
- Genealogies of Curating
- Mechanics of Curating
These critically examine and explore the theories and origins that contribute to the forms of contemporary curating. Curatorship, curating and collections management is placed within a range of historical contexts. The principles and practices of curating in contemporary art and design galleries is analysed with field trips to regional cultural institutions.
Stage 2 Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) 60 credits
- Contexts of Curating
- Visions of Curating
Stage 2 focuses on contemporary art and design infrastructures in London, in the context of regional and international curating. The vocational and professional skills needed for individual and collaborative development in curating are investigated in relation to place, space and time, to give insights into professional practice, from collections and exhibiting to educational and participatory curating work. An inspection of non-gallery related strategies enables the possibility for advanced strategies to be developed beyond existing practice.
[This stage is also available as a non-accredited Professional Development Short Course. If accreditation is desired, this is possible dependent on Accreditation of Prior Learning for Stage 1 and successful completion of assignments.]
Stage 3 Masters (MA) 60 credits
- Curatorial Practice
Stage 3 is self-negotiated and enables students to achieve the Masters degree with a practical project/reportTeaching will be largely through lectures, seminars and visits. Assessment will be through essays, reports, proposals, module journals (to include visual information) and presentations. Assessment for the final project in Curatorial Practice will include visual and textual presentation in the form of a detailed proposal and report.